In 1973, Master Francis Leyau Yoke Sai began his studies in Ying and Yang Feng Shui with other masters till he met Master Sui Beng in 1983. With the knowledge he had gained from his learning, he started conducting classes in Feng Shui in 1984 in both Peninsular and East Malaysia, and Singapore.

Over the last 24 years, he has had over a thousand students from all walks of life including professionals. Among his students, some have become masters themselves while some others have become practitioners and consultants.   

From 1984 to 1986, he was a Feng Shui columnist and consultant for the Sun Min Daily News where he wrote articles and answered queries from the readers. In 1984, he was appointed as a Feng Shui Instructor to the Keng Jiang Association in Malacca, Malaysia, a post he relinquished in 1988. From 1991 to 1994, He was the adviser and Instructor to Malaysia Yi jing Association (formally was Kuala Lumpur I-Ching Association) and he had many time represented the association to the world I-Ching conferences. He was also a regular contributor on Feng Shui to Feminine Magazine in 1993 and 1994.

Other than his extensive knowledge of the Five Elements, Ba Zi, Date Selection, Palmistry, Tong Shu, Yin and Yang Feng Shui, Ba Qua, I-Ching and etc., he has carried out studies which involved the analysis of tombs and mausoleums in China of the Song, Tang, Ming and Qing Dynasties among many others. He has also visited areas of Feng Shui importance in China and Hong Kong to carry out further research on the historic significance of Feng Shui and to find out the reasons behind the fall of various dynasties in China.

Other than being the only remaining disciple in the fourth generation of the Tan’s School of San Yuan Feng Shui, he is also the only person who holds the original texts written by Grandmaster T’an Yang Wu. Master Francis Leyau however did reprint the books in Taiwan a few years ago. He has also undertaken Feng Shui analysis for numerous clients, both ordinary and well-known people within and outside Malaysia.  

Apart from that, he is the sole person in Malaysia to design various Feng Shui compasses. The compasses (Luo Pan) are designed to establish a more complete study on the subject and are made available to his students, Feng Shui practitioners and even masters.

At present, he is the Master Trainer, Author and Consultant of the Central Academy of Feng Shui (CAFS). He still conducts courses at different competency levels and gives seminars on various subjects.